
Monday, July 1, 2019

How to think in English

More and more of people from non-English speaking countries are learning the English language.  This is especially true for Asians like the Japanese, Chinese and South Koreans.  Learning English has been in high demand for more than a decade now.  The Philippines has a high number of Filipino online English tutors because of their proficiency, if not fluency, in English.  Most of them are contractors or employed by online English tutorial outfits.

As an online English tutor myself,  I have been teaching English to mostly Japanese and some  Brazilian students for more than three years now.  During my first year of teaching, I observed that students think in their own language on what they want to say before saying it in English.  For beginners or starters that would be alright because their limited English vocabulary makes it difficult for them.  On my second year of teaching, I have been telling my students to try their best to think in English because it is just like practicing how to speak it.  The video below shows basic words and how to pronounce them.

In my estimate, I have had around 500 students and most of them appreciated their improvement by thinking in  English.  It is not that easy for beginners because of lack of vocabulary and comprehension.  There is a process on how to think in English .  For those who are on the intermediate level in the English language, it will be quite easy to do and follow.  Please click HERE to learn more.  Thank you!

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